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Central, Half Marathon Team

Running Edinburgh 1/2 Marathon to support Central Church Care Services

Closing date: 24 October 2023



Raised out of £10000 target


Including Gift Aid: £ 13280.19

Raised offline: £ 125



A team from Central Church, Edinburgh are running the Edinburgh ½ marathon on 28th May to raise money for our Care projects. We want to raise at least £10k as we help others in need at this time.

 Our Care ministries include SoulFood, Clothes bank+, a café, counselling services, Christians Against Poverty service and much more. Each week we give away 150-200 items of clothing, 20 soup lunches, 50 SoulFood meals and provide debt advice and counselling services to approx. 50 people. We also serve around 1,000 people each week through church gatherings, ministries and 34 communities across our city.

Please give generously as this will make a huge difference to so many lives and will motivate us to train hard and reach the finish line!

Team - Alex Backler, Andrew Connal, Andy Harding, Connaire McDonagh, Eddie Backler, Emily Ackerman, Iain Wintour, Jonathan Wright, Matt Cordiner, Rebecca Cordiner & Tom Backler

Raising funds for

Rob 21 August 2023

£15.5 + £0 Gift Aid
Anonymous 27 June 2023

£103.09 + £0 Gift Aid
Geoff 10 June 2023

£100 + £25 Gift Aid
Mark 09 June 2023

Enjoy and best wishess to the Team!

£25 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Derek 05 June 2023

Hey, well done guys.

£150 + £0 Gift Aid
Jon 02 June 2023

well done Jonathan and team

£10 + £2.5 Gift Aid